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Updated: Mar 4, 2023

The definition of camaraderie is “mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together;” that of solidarity includes “mutual support within a group.” Brotherly love is the “feelings of humanity and compassion for one’s fellow humans.”[1] If you are a member of the military, a fireman, or a police officer those definitions are expanded to words found in John 15:13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

The definition of camaraderie is “mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together;” that of solidarity includes “mutual support within a group.” Brotherly love is the “feelings of humanity and compassion for one’s fellow humans.”[1] If you are a member of the military, a fireman, or a police officer those definitions are expanded to words found in John 15:13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Mutual trust, support, and friendship; concern, responsibility, and brotherly love are traits that not only make us human, but also are foundational for a decent society to exist and function. Are those traits being lost? Has American society become so isolated from one another, so selfish, so inured to crime, so accustomed to the indifference, indeed the disdain, shown by both the Obama and Biden administration for those in flyover America that it is insensible to the needs and feelings of others? Obama made his disdain for flyover Americans with his clinging to their guns and bibles remark. Biden has done the same with his non-response to the train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. More recently, Biden “smirked off an attack by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R- Ga.) over the testimony of Rebecca Kiessling, whose sons Caleb and Kyler died from the drug. ‘That fentanyl they took came during the last administration,” chortled the prez, adding a heartless “heh, heh.’”[2] So is Lyin’ Joe demented, stupid, or just a cold-hearted


Have Biden and the Woke Marxists erased camaraderie, compassion, trust, friendship, solidarity, and brotherly love from our lexicon? If one observes recent events across the nation, one would be compelled to say yes. Smash and grab raids in department stores, pushing individuals in front of subway trains, ambushing police officers, motor vehicle theft, fentanyl deaths, and gang violence are as common as corn flakes for breakfast. George Soros has assisted the installation of District Attorneys all too happy to let the perpetrators of these crimes go free.

And John Q. Public can say, “Well, it wasn’t my department store. I don’t ride the subway. Policing is a dangerous job. Illegal drugs are on the rise. It was not my daughter raped, brutally beaten, and left for dead.” This detachment from events not immediately in one’s back yard is not new. What is shocking is that Americans in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Milwaukee are experiencing these crimes in and around their homes and workplaces frequently and they DO NOTHING to stop it. This is beyond detachment. Indeed, it is a desensitization and demoralization induced by elected and unelected tyrants at the national, state, and local levels using criminals to conduct the intimidation they could not.

Regrettably, parents transmit their desensitized, demoralized, and feckless approach to the world to their children. In September 2014, University of Virginia student, Hannah Graham, was abducted, raped, murdered, and dumped in a wooded area. Fellow student, Elizabeth Ballou, a self-described feminist, writing for Bustle, commented that Hannah’s disappearance and death caused her to feel fear because of the event itself and anger at the response of Hannah’s peers. According to Ms. Ballou, “Much of the response to Hannah's disappearance focused on how drunk she was on the night in question, what she was wearing, or both. [They included]: ‘She was dressed like a slut, so is anybody really surprised?’ ‘If she'd been sober, this wouldn't have happened.’ ‘What kind of idiot would walk alone at one in the morning?’ These remarks angered me as a feminist.”[3]

Ms. Ballou then provided some facts: “Yes, Hannah was wearing a crop top on Friday night. Yes, she had been attending parties and drinking. Yes, she was sighted outside of a pub, and yes, she was walking alone. But that does not mean that, if Hannah was assaulted or kidnapped, she was to blame.[4]

I am mystified, indeed distressed, by both the catty, self-righteous judgment, and indifference of Hannah’s peers (supposed friends?), and Ms. Ballou’s feminist naiveté. Wearing a crop top does not make one a slut. Drinking to intoxication alone did not cause Hannah’s horrible demise, neither did being alone outside a pub. However, by becoming intoxicated to the point where judgment is significantly impaired and walking the streets alone in the early morning hours Hannah set the stage for her own demise. So, where were her “friends” as she became more inebriated at each party? Did none of them look up from their iPhones, their narcissistic selfie self-absorption, long enough to see a human needing a chaperon? Who and where were the friends she texted saying she was lost?[5]

Feminists, Ms. Ballou, do not give a damn about suggesting responsible strategies to prevent these tragedies. They would rather find blame because it is so much easier than requiring college students to accept some responsibility for themselves and their peers.

Madison Brooks, an LSU sophomore, drank herself to incapacitation at Reggie’s Bar in Baton Rouge in mid-January 2023, then chased after four filthy, disgusting scumbags for a ride home. They raped her and dumped her out of the car like so much garbage. Drunk and confused, Madison stumbled into the path on an oncoming automobile and was killed.[6] The LSU president, William Tate IV, stated underage drinking was a major culprit. Immediately he was lambasted as “victim blaming” and “disgusting” by student groups. The College Democrats of LSU and Feminists in Action sent a letter to Tate stating his actions had “‘[fallen] short’ of consoling a grieving and ‘fearful’ student body.[7]

What a crock of sh-t! The College Socialist/Marxists and Feminists in Action (talk about a misnomer!) would rather have the University president console their feelings than address the problems that caused both Ms. Graham’s and Ms. Brooks’ deaths. Underage drinking has been a problem with young adults for decades, perhaps centuries. The most effective course of action for university presidents to curtail such drinking would be to immediately expel those caught doing so and deny readmission. A more reasonable course of action would require parents, academics, and university student groups to demand, not encourage or suggest, but DEMAND young adults stop whining about their own selfish feelings and develop some responsibility, empathy, and compassion for one’s fellow human beings. If this had been the standard on campuses across the country, Hannah and Madison may still be alive today.

But there is still hope that camaraderie, brotherly love, and group solidarity have not been completely eradicated by Marxists, Wokesters, Feminists, ANTIFA and BLM activists. And it can be found in rather unlikely places.

On 16 August 2022, six high school football players (Cesar Parker, Treyvon Adams, Antwiion Carey, Messiah Daniels, Tyson Brown, and Alto Moore) in Rome, Georgia observed an automobile accident in front of their school. One vehicle, front crushed in, fluids pouring from underneath, and driver’s side door bent, was smoking with a woman trapped inside. According to Treyvon Adams, “We all knew we had to get her out before something worse would happen.”[8] Where there is smoke there is fire and most automotive fluids are flammable, so all six understood what “something worse” would be. There was no delay in consultation, no Googling to assess the correct approach to the problem, no concern if the woman was white, black, Asian, conservative, religious, or an NRA member, nothing required permission. Just six young men who accepted the danger without hesitation and a willingness to show the love spoken by St. John.

Oh, except for one thing, the woman was a stranger.


3 March 2023

[1] define camaraderie, define brotherly love, define solidarity - Search ( [2] [3] [4] Ibid. [5] Ibid. [6] [7] [8]

The definition of camaraderie is “mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together;” that of solidarity includes “mutual support within a group.” Brotherly love is the “feelings of humanity and compassion for one’s fellow humans.”[1] If you are a member of the military, a fireman, or a police officer those definitions are expanded to words found in John 15:13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Mutual trust, support, and friendship; concern, responsibility, and brotherly love are traits that not only make us human, but also are foundational for a decent society to exist and function. Are those traits being lost? Has American society become so isolated from one another, so selfish, so inured to crime, so accustomed to the indifference, indeed the disdain, shown by both the Obama and Biden administration for those in flyover America that it is insensible to the needs and feelings of others? Obama made his disdain for flyover Americans with his clinging to their guns and bibles remark. Biden has done the same with his non-response to the train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. More recently, Biden “smirked off an attack by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R- Ga.) over the testimony of Rebecca Kiessling, whose sons Caleb and Kyler died from the drug. ‘That fentanyl they took came during the last administration,” chortled the prez, adding a heartless “heh, heh.’”[2] So is Lyin’ Joe demented, stupid, or just a cold-hearted


Have Biden and the Woke Marxists erased camaraderie, compassion, trust, friendship, solidarity, and brotherly love from our lexicon? If one observes recent events across the nation, one would be compelled to say yes. Smash and grab raids in department stores, pushing individuals in front of subway trains, ambushing police officers, motor vehicle theft, fentanyl deaths, and gang violence are as common as corn flakes for breakfast. George Soros has assisted the installation of District Attorneys all too happy to let the perpetrators of these crimes go free.

And John Q. Public can say, “Well, it wasn’t my department store. I don’t ride the subway. Policing is a dangerous job. Illegal drugs are on the rise. It was not my daughter raped, brutally beaten, and left for dead.” This detachment from events not immediately in one’s back yard is not new. What is shocking is that Americans in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Milwaukee are experiencing these crimes in and around their homes and workplaces frequently and they DO NOTHING to stop it. This is beyond detachment. Indeed, it is a desensitization and demoralization induced by elected and unelected tyrants at the national, state, and local levels using criminals to conduct the intimidation they could not.

Regrettably, parents transmit their desensitized, demoralized, and feckless approach to the world to their children. In September 2014, University of Virginia student, Hannah Graham, was abducted, raped, murdered, and dumped in a wooded area. Fellow student, Elizabeth Ballou, a self-described feminist, writing for Bustle, commented that Hannah’s disappearance and death caused her to feel fear because of the event itself and anger at the response of Hannah’s peers. According to Ms. Ballou, “Much of the response to Hannah's disappearance focused on how drunk she was on the night in question, what she was wearing, or both. [They included]: ‘She was dressed like a slut, so is anybody really surprised?’ ‘If she'd been sober, this wouldn't have happened.’ ‘What kind of idiot would walk alone at one in the morning?’ These remarks angered me as a feminist.”[3]

Ms. Ballou then provided some facts: “Yes, Hannah was wearing a crop top on Friday night. Yes, she had been attending parties and drinking. Yes, she was sighted outside of a pub, and yes, she was walking alone. But that does not mean that, if Hannah was assaulted or kidnapped, she was to blame.[4]

I am mystified, indeed distressed, by both the catty, self-righteous judgment, and indifference of Hannah’s peers (supposed friends?), and Ms. Ballou’s feminist naiveté. Wearing a crop top does not make one a slut. Drinking to intoxication alone did not cause Hannah’s horrible demise, neither did being alone outside a pub. However, by becoming intoxicated to the point where judgment is significantly impaired and walking the streets alone in the early morning hours Hannah set the stage for her own demise. So, where were her “friends” as she became more inebriated at each party? Did none of them look up from their iPhones, their narcissistic selfie self-absorption, long enough to see a human needing a chaperon? Who and where were the friends she texted saying she was lost?[5]

Feminists, Ms. Ballou, do not give a damn about suggesting responsible strategies to prevent these tragedies. They would rather find blame because it is so much easier than requiring college students to accept some responsibility for themselves and their peers.

Madison Brooks, an LSU sophomore, drank herself to incapacitation at Reggie’s Bar in Baton Rouge in mid-January 2023, then chased after four filthy, disgusting scumbags for a ride home. They raped her and dumped her out of the car like so much garbage. Drunk and confused, Madison stumbled into the path on an oncoming automobile and was killed.[6] The LSU president, William Tate IV, stated underage drinking was a major culprit. Immediately he was lambasted as “victim blaming” and “disgusting” by student groups. The College Democrats of LSU and Feminists in Action sent a letter to Tate stating his actions had “‘[fallen] short’ of consoling a grieving and ‘fearful’ student body.[7]

What a crock of sh-t! The College Socialist/Marxists and Feminists in Action (talk about a misnomer!) would rather have the University president console their feelings than address the problems that caused both Ms. Graham’s and Ms. Brooks’ deaths. Underage drinking has been a problem with young adults for decades, perhaps centuries. The most effective course of action for university presidents to curtail such drinking would be to immediately expel those caught doing so and deny readmission. A more reasonable course of action that would require parents, academics, and university student groups would be to demand, not encourage or suggest, but DEMAND young adults stop whining about their own selfish feelings and develop some responsibility, empathy, and compassion for one’s fellow human beings. If this had been the standard on campuses across the country, Hannah and Madison may still be alive today.

But there is still hope that camaraderie, brotherly love, and group solidarity have not been completely eradicated by Marxists, Wokesters, Feminists, ANTIFA and BLM activists. And it can be found in rather unlikely places.

On 16 August 2022, six high school football players (Cesar Parker, Treyvon Adams, Antwiion Carey, Messiah Daniels, Tyson Brown, and Alto Moore) in Rome, Georgia observed an automobile accident in front of their school. One vehicle, front crushed in, fluids pouring from underneath, and driver’s side door bent, was smoking with a woman trapped inside. According to Treyvon Adams, “We all knew we had to get her out before something worse would happen.”[8] Where there is smoke there is fire and most automotive fluids are flammable, so all six understood what “something worse” would be. There was no delay in consultation, no Googling to assess the correct approach to the problem, no concern if the woman was white, black, Asian, conservative, religious, or an NRA member, nothing required permission. Just six young men who accepted the danger without hesitation and a willingness to show the love spoken by St. John.

Oh, except for one thing, the woman was a stranger.


3 March 2023

[1] define camaraderie, define brotherly love, define solidarity - Search ( [2] [3] [4] Ibid. [5] Ibid. [6] [7] [8]

Mutual trust, support, and friendship; concern, responsibility, and brotherly love are traits that not only make us human, but also are foundational for a decent society to exist and function. Are those traits being lost? Has American society become so isolated from one another, so selfish, so inured to crime, so accustomed to the indifference, indeed the disdain, shown by both the Obama and Biden administration for those in flyover America that it is insensible to the needs and feelings of others? Obama made his disdain for flyover Americans with his clinging to their guns and bibles remark. Biden has done the same with his non-response to the train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. More recently, Biden “smirked off an attack by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R- Ga.) over the testimony of Rebecca Kiessling, whose sons Caleb and Kyler died from the drug. ‘That fentanyl they took came during the last administration,” chortled the prez, adding a heartless “heh, heh.’”[2] So is Lyin’ Joe demented, stupid, or just a cold-hearted pri-k?

Have Biden and the Woke Marxists erased camaraderie, compassion, trust, friendship, solidarity, and brotherly love from our lexicon? If one observes recent events across the nation, one would be compelled to say yes. Smash and grab raids in department stores, pushing individuals in front of subway trains, ambushing police officers, motor vehicle theft, fentanyl deaths, and gang violence are as common as corn flakes for breakfast. George Soros has assisted the installation of District Attorneys all too happy to let the perpetrators of these crimes go free.

And John Q. Public can say, “Well, it wasn’t my department store. I don’t ride the subway. Policing is a dangerous job. Illegal drugs are on the rise. It was not my daughter raped, brutally beaten, and left for dead.” This detachment from events not immediately in one’s back yard is not new. What is shocking is that Americans in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Milwaukee are experiencing these crimes in and around their homes and workplaces frequently and they DO NOTHING to stop it. This is beyond detachment. Indeed, it is a desensitization and demoralization induced by elected and unelected tyrants at the national, state, and local levels using criminals to conduct the intimidation they could not.

Regrettably, parents transmit their desensitized, demoralized, and feckless approach to the world to their children. In September 2014, University of Virginia student, Hannah Graham, was abducted, raped, murdered, and dumped in a wooded area. Fellow student, Elizabeth Ballou, a self-described feminist, writing for Bustle, commented that Hannah’s disappearance and death caused her to feel fear because of the event itself and anger at the response of Hannah’s peers. According to Ms. Ballou, “Much of the response to Hannah's disappearance focused on how drunk she was on the night in question, what she was wearing, or both. [They included]: ‘She was dressed like a slut, so is anybody really surprised?’ ‘If she'd been sober, this wouldn't have happened.’ ‘What kind of idiot would walk alone at one in the morning?’ These remarks angered me as a feminist.”[3]

Ms. Ballou then provided some facts: “Yes, Hannah was wearing a crop top on Friday night. Yes, she had been attending parties and drinking. Yes, she was sighted outside of a pub, and yes, she was walking alone. But that does not mean that, if Hannah was assaulted or kidnapped, she was to blame.[4]

I am mystified, indeed distressed, by both the catty, self-righteous judgment, and indifference of Hannah’s peers (supposed friends?), and Ms. Ballou’s feminist naiveté. Wearing a crop top does not make one a slut. Drinking to intoxication alone did not cause Hannah’s horrible demise, neither did being alone outside a pub. However, by becoming intoxicated to the point where judgment is significantly impaired and walking the streets alone in the early morning hours Hannah set the stage for her own demise. So, where were her “friends” as she became more inebriated at each party? Did none of them look up from their iPhones, their narcissistic selfie self-absorption, long enough to see a human needing a chaperon? Who and where were the friends she texted saying she was lost?[5]

Feminists, Ms. Ballou, do not give a damn about suggesting responsible strategies to prevent these tragedies. They would rather find blame because it is so much easier than requiring college students to accept some responsibility for themselves and their peers.

Madison Brooks, an LSU sophomore, drank herself to incapacitation at Reggie’s Bar in Baton Rouge in mid-January 2023, then chased after four filthy, disgusting scumbags for a ride home. They raped her and dumped her out of the car like so much garbage. Drunk and confused, Madison stumbled into the path on an oncoming automobile and was killed.[6] The LSU president, William Tate IV, stated underage drinking was a major culprit. Immediately he was lambasted as “victim blaming” and “disgusting” by student groups. The College Democrats of LSU and Feminists in Action sent a letter to Tate stating his actions had “‘[fallen] short’ of consoling a grieving and ‘fearful’ student body.[7]

What a crock of sh-t! The College Socialist/Marxists and Feminists in Action (talk about a misnomer!) would rather have the University president console their feelings than address the problems that caused both Ms. Graham’s and Ms. Brooks’ deaths. Underage drinking has been a problem with young adults for decades, perhaps centuries. The most effective course of action for university presidents to curtail such drinking would be to immediately expel those caught doing so and deny readmission. A more reasonable course of action that would require parents, academics, and university student groups would be to demand, not encourage or suggest, but DEMAND young adults stop whining about their own selfish feelings and develop some responsibility, empathy, and compassion for one’s fellow human beings. If this had been the standard on campuses across the country, Hannah and Madison may still be alive today.

But there is still hope that camaraderie, brotherly love, and group solidarity have not been completely eradicated by Marxists, Wokesters, Feminists, ANTIFA and BLM activists. And it can be found in rather unlikely places.

On 16 August 2022, six high school football players (Cesar Parker, Treyvon Adams, Antwiion Carey, Messiah Daniels, Tyson Brown, and Alto Moore) in Rome, Georgia observed an automobile accident in front of their school. One vehicle, front crushed in, fluids pouring from underneath, and driver’s side door bent, was smoking with a woman trapped inside. According to Treyvon Adams, “We all knew we had to get her out before something worse would happen.”[8] Where there is smoke there is fire and most automotive fluids are flammable, so all six understood what “something worse” would be. There was no delay in consultation, no Googling to assess the correct approach to the problem, no concern if the woman was white, black, Asian, conservative, religious, or an NRA member, nothing required permission. Just six young men who accepted the danger without hesitation and a willingness to show the love spoken by St. John.

Oh, except for one thing, the woman was a stranger.


3 March 2023

[1] define camaraderie, define brotherly love, define solidarity - Search ( [2] [3] [4] Ibid. [5] Ibid. [6] [7] [8]

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